Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Recruitment Software-Makes Cv Parsing a Child Play

Does your recruitment process hassle you too much? Or has the process become a night mare for many of you? What ever may be the situation, the reason for all of these is one- manual recruitment. Traditional method of recruitment is one of the main reasons why the success ratio of the companies is so low. HR department is the most important part of an organization. It is also called the backbone of any company. Efficient working of this department requires a lot of effort on the part of the employer.

With the new technologies becoming a part of the daily life why should the recruitment process lag behind? To save the recruiters and the HR managers from the mind-numbing job of recruiting the employees, software has been launched which automates the recruiting process thus simplifying it.

Rchilli recruitment software has an aptitude to electronically read and parse the resumes and that too in a night time. This tool has the propensity to read through word documents; the algorithms of the software are smart enough to categorize differences in resume formats and can still extort useful information off the resumes. The required fields like name, address, qualification, experience etc and the information they are attached with are singled out by the parsing software.

Gone are those days when recruitment used to be a mission for it has now become a child play and thanks to Rchilli recruitment software.


  1. Recruitment software makes the work of HR very easy, I am looking for web based recruitment software and its used.

  2. Hi,

    Thanks for giving comment. If you want to get web based recruitment software please visit at Here you can gain more information.

