Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Application Tracking Software For Efficient Hiring Process

All over the world it is seen that there is an increased competition among the organizations for acquiring the limited talented human capital possessing the relevant capabilities, skills, experience, educational background, etc. Thus the human resource managers of the organizations are fiercely competing for reaching to the right candidates at right time through variety of media like print ads, internet, referrals, and so on. Their efforts would be minimized if they adopt the technological tool like an application tracking software in the day to day activities.

An applicant tracking software helps the organizations to manage the entire hiring process very easily. This software maintains a huge database about the applicants or the job seekers along with the detailed information about various jobs. It is a software application which helps the recruitment people to handle the entire recruitment requirements of the organization in an electronic manner.

This software allows the recruitment managers to search through thousands of resumes, submitted by the job seekers and which are stored in the corporate database. It has the facilities to import and then search for the desired resumes even from the external job websites or the professional recruitment agencies. Based on specific criteria the software automatically shortlists the potential candidates suitable for the job profile. In this way it saves the workload of the HR people from manual searching the prospective candidates through huge database. Thus it saves their time to a large extent and also the money of the organization.

One can obtain such application tracking software from the variety of sources. If you are looking for free software, you can get open source code for such software on the internet. Also you have the option of going for some application service suppliers or the SaaS –Software as a Service- vendor offering the customized software at a fair price. Select it as per your budget, service, and other specific requirements.

The application tracking software has the following common features like:
  • These have the facilities to help or automate the work of the HR people in hiring the best employees available in the market.
  • It helps to manage the huge database of resumes and the variety of job postings.
  • They are flexible and adapt to new or continuously changing hiring needs.
  • They have the facilities to create variety of reports useful to management as well as to align with new legal formalities.
  • These have the capability for modifying certain unwanted features and evolve with new features.
The application tracking software offers a number of advantages to the companies, such as:

  • Automates the recruitment process – It automatically searches through the database and provides the list of suitable candidates to the HR people for further processing.
  • Easier integration with other software.
  • Offers time and money savings.
  • Offers various reporting facilities.
Thus an organization must use an application tracking software in order to save their valuable time, in recruiting the talented employees at right time, right place and at right price.

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