Friday, November 12, 2010

Resume Parsing with exclusive API integration for Jobsites

Job Sites/ Career Portals
Committed to add value to our services, we have innovated and added following features and facilities to our Resume Parser to make it more effective, efficient and cost saving :

  • Added Resume Parsing feature to job portals.
  • Reduced resume submission processing time – from 15 mins to 15 seconds.
  • Automated integration with web based scripting languages, viz., Java, Cold Fusion,, php etc. using SOAP.
  • Included 37+ parsed fields and 4+ analytic fields, ready for use by employer.
  • Facilitated easy integration and quicker responses.
  • Extended flexible payment plan for a win-win situation.
  • We provide complete technical support for integration and upgradation.
  • We provide free upgrades and more parsed and analytic fields under SaaS model.
  • We have completely white labeled the solution.

The innovations and modifications have brought about following benefits to the users :-

  • Detailed extraction, and ready for storage.
  • Quicker processing, quicker results, closer to the real time.
  • Highly scalable, as Parser uses APIs to interact with the applications.
  • Economical - available as one-time-payment product, or on SaaS
  • Generates keener interest among users and buyers.
  • Intelligent hiring – efficient and economical.
  • A robust system – sumptuous customer satisfaction

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