Friday, January 28, 2011

Resume management software- benefits and applications

The human resource department is looking for the best talent that is appropriate for their company needs, for the overall progress and success of the organization. For better search of talented and educated people, traditional mediums fall short and unmanageable in today’s advanced and developed techno world.

Where the manual reach shunts, introduction and application of software aids the purpose. Resume management software effectively enables to manage the recruitment process and hiring new candidates in the organization against the various job vacancies. Some of the features of resume management software are-

  1. It allows you to combine your personal email stuff with the software.

  2. It has a built in resume screener that enables to extract and store all the important details that are needed to be analyzed.

  3. It offers complete text based searching options.

  4. It provides you with an option of bulk mail that lets you reject the unwanted resumes and store only the required ones.

  5. It must provide you with the facility to access the software from various access points.

  6. It must support all the files and data formats and must be able to convert it into required data format.

  7. Last but not the least it should provide the client to manually upload the resume.

There are various types of software available that aims to serve this purpose. You must select the best suitable for your requirements. The Resume management software saves lots of valuable time that is wasted in resume screening and hence, proves efficient way in managing the clients, employees and hiring new candidates.

Such resume management software can be online based or web based. It finds it varied applications in many companies, large scale hospitals, industries etc. It helps in minimizing the manual errors caused due to mismanagement of the resumes in paperwork. So, automate the recruitment process with this software increase the effective productivity of your organization.

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