Thursday, February 10, 2011

Recruitment Software Open Source- Boon For Improving Recruitment Productivity..!!!

Companies are always in competition with each other in aspects like recruiting the best talent from the pool of employees, maintaining a large number of clients by using advanced systems etc. Hiring the right and eligible candidate is very essential as the company’s overall growth and progress depends on it. So the recruiters are always in search of the best ways to get the right person for the job.

Recruitment software open source is well equipped with the following benefits-

  • The application program provides completely customizable database of candidates, customers, the end users etc.
  • The software can be easily integrated with the server’s email, personal details and other management related information./li>
  • Dynamic search facility with option to look for candidate’s profiles from every field with resumes posted in different data formats. /li>
  • Bulk data migration module for transferring the resumes from folders, email & database easily to required locations./li>
  • The entire process of resume extraction and screening takes place very speedily and that too without any errors./li>

Recruitment software open source proves beneficial when there is limited number of job vacancies and there are thousands of candidates those apply to it. The software enables to automatically save and rejects the candidate’s resumes depending upon the pre-entered keywords those are related to requirements of job profiles.

While purchasing the right software for your usage, you should keep in mind certain factors. You should employ such software that is exactly going to fulfill your expectations and requirements. You can get Recruitment software open source in different simple and complicated modules, serving for various functions. Try utilizing the one that is not only cost effective but easy to install and use. Also, look into it that the software gets automatically updated, whenever newer versions are available.

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