Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Resume Analyzers to Accelerate your Recruitment Process

The most important work of any HR department is recruiting best qualified and skilled candidates for their organization. Getting better candidates means better the success of the organization. The quality is the major factor than that of quantity in the recruiting task. Now there are many web based recruitment software available on the net. One of them is a resume analyzer. The resume analyzer analyzes each and every resume and filters the resumes in which the required keywords are matched. The other resumes are rejected.

Nowadays all companies have started using resume analyzer; it helps in managing the whole recruitment process efficiently. Thus every applicant must be careful while designing his resume. It should take care of requirements of the resume analyzer.

Let us know about the working of the resume analyzer. The resume analyzer is used to filter the resumes which suit the job requirement and other resumes are rejected. It uses standard formatting rules and extracts text based information like name, contact information, qualification etc.

This extracted information is uploaded to the HR database for the further usage. How close the candidate’s information matches with the job requirement decides the rank of the candidate. Thus, applicants need not worry about formatting and fonts in the resume. The resume analyzer only looks for the textual part of your resume. It supports flexible formatting.

Resume analyzer has many advantages like –

  • It is accessible for 24x7 that means anytime you can use it.
  • It can be easily integrated with your system/ environment.
  • It has reliable backup management system which assures data security.
  • It provides fast processing of applicants in terms of sorting, filtering.
  • It accelerates the recruitment process making it efficient and awarding.

Now the organization of any type like small scale, large scale or recruiting agencies are easily automating their recruitment processes, using these web based recruitment software. This software not only increase efficiency, but also saves time and money. They also make the recruitment process rewarding.

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