Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Few Handy Tips To Consider Before You Start Your Resume

Once you have completed your education and you are all set for job hunt, the very prime step that heads is preparing your resume. Resume is also called as CV, i.e. curriculum vitae. Before starting your resume, there are many pre requisites that need to be organized. As we say, first impression is the last impression; a candidate gets only a single opportunity to create an impression upon the recruiters.

Before you start writing resume, give a thought to few points and questions listed below-

  • Purpose of writing resume- this can be well explained when you study the company where you are applying for. You can modify your resume as per the requirement of the company’s skill set.
  • Gather information and place it accordingly- follow a unique pattern and then go on adding points, for ex. You can start with your name, address, contact number, then you can give brief introduction about yourself, and then you can actually begin your resume; where you will add you educational background, extra-curricular activities, skills, achievements etc.
  • Always try and write resume in bullets and points, never write in paragraphs. Remember that the recruiter has only 10 to 15 seconds to go through your resume. So, don’t write lengthy sentences that will eliminate you from getting shortlisted.
  • You can definitely refer the sample resumes that are available online. They are available in different formats, for e.g. for fresher, for experienced etc. You can take help and prepare your own resume. Moreover, even after this you are still confused, you can take help of professional resume writers who write resume for you in very technical and brief, concise way.

Before you start writing resume, it is advisable to spend some time in collecting the information and managing the workspace so that it becomes easy for you to just arrange it later on. Moreover, it is good if you update your resume every time you apply to other company, since every company will be having different job postings. According to that, job profile may also change.

If you are not sure enough to write resume on your own, you can simply hire a professional writer who will assist you in preparing your resume. Recently, the concept of cover letter is also booming. Presenting your resume in attractive and effective cover letter increases the chances of getting short listed for further rounds of recruitment process.


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