Monday, January 31, 2011

Enhance Recruitment Productivity With CV Management Software

CV management software is basically smart working application software for the recruitment and HR department of any organization. With the help of this software, the concern can not only get the right resource for required positions, but also tracks the exact key point requirements, which are matching with the openings and the applied or prospective candidate pool. CV management software does the entire pre requisite arrangements of selecting such suitable resumes with respective to the job vacancies.

This software automatically eliminates the first step to be taken care of, by all HR concerns to record and re-write the complicated data of resumes of the suitable aspirants. This software is not only cost effective but also proves efficient way to manage the candidate’s resume with every single detail absorbed in the database. Moreover, this software operates as web enabled system.

    The ideal CV management software has following dynamic features.

  1. The software has to be compatible with the office email functionalities. It should have efficient data filters to extract the exact keywords in all available text formats, one can use under standard conditions.
  2. It should also work multidimensional style with the other standard sources of resume data, in order to provide more correct options for the requirements.
  3. The software should be able to screen the resumes and save the required ones in folder and the rejected ones in bulk folder.
  4. The company gets better opportunity to choose amongst the huge response from candidates through the placement drive.
  5. It effectively eliminates the chances of errors introduced due to manual handling of the excel spreadsheets and overcomes the mismanagement.

In short, this software functions as the strong back bone of HR and recruitment department of any organization at best competitive pricing and time saving dynamic product values inside it.

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