Monday, January 31, 2011

Be An Efficient HR Executive With Resume Parser

The HR executives are heavily loaded with the work pressure at the time of recruitment. It may be the continuous process in some organizations like placement or job consultants or large organizations. Wherever may be, the recruitment process is a tedious and time consuming job for everyone. Today’s world is fast going and time is very precious. The HR executives are interested in accelerating the recruitment process. The solution for this is the resume parser open source. The resume parser open source helps in parsing thousands of resumes in few seconds and relives you from the job of searching and short listing candidates.

The resume parser open source is software that extracts the required contents from the resume and that software is free of charge. The resume parser reads the information and extracts the required information and stores it in a database. When the process of parsing is completed, huge amount of processing is done in a fraction of seconds. The normally required fields like name, contact details, qualification, experience, skills etc. are gathered into a standard format of XML document. Thus, it removes lot of burden from the shoulders of HR executives. They can concentrate on other essential tasks.

The net offers variety of resume parser open source software. The user should be careful and experienced to choose the right parser. The HR executive has to go for other tests such as personality and aptitude tests, and technical tests if needed to measure the potentials and select the right candidate. Also, it reduces time of recruitment, increasing efficiency of the HR executives. Ultimately it saves the cost of recruitment.

The input source of the resume parser may be a word document, text file, pdf file, or email attachment. Also the output of the parser may be Excel file, database or XML format. The parser also filters resumes according to the criteria and picks only matching profiles and shot lists the candidates. So, be fast and efficient with the fast moving world.

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